Getting the affairs of you and your loved ones in order is incredibly important. Brady and Associates Lawyers can draft wills and powers of attorney documents, as well as enduring guardianship documents.
We offer fixed-fee prices for individuals and couples.
A will is a document that ensures your estate is distributed according to your wishes.
Brady and Associates can assist you by drafting a will that best reflects your wishes. We regularly assist with situations in which our client:
- Wishes to create a will at the same time as their spouse/partner
- Has a range of assets /properties
- Has a blended family
- Has children under the age of 18
We will ensure your will is valid.
Powers of Attorney
A Power of Attorney is a legal document that gives an appointed person the authority to look after financial affairs on your behalf.
Anyone over the age of 18 can appoint a Power of Attorney in NSW, so long as they have the mental capacity to make such a decision.
There are many reasons why it’s a good idea for you or your loved ones to appoint a Power of Attorney:
- If you are going on a long interstate or overseas trip
- If you have a debilitating disability, mental illness or chronic illness
- If you are elderly and are getting your affairs in order
In some cases, an Enduring Power of Attorney may be appropriate. An Enduring Power of Attorney is created and executed when the Person requiring it is of sound mind, but is still able to be used when they are no longer able to make decisions for themselves.
At Brady and Associates we can draft a tailored Power of Attorney document that ensures that your wishes are carried out. We will explain the document to you and ensure that your best interests are protected.
Enduring Guardianship
An Enduring Guardianship is different from a Power of Attorney. This document concerns a person’s personal affairs such as medical decisions, place of residence, recreational activities etc. rather than a person’s financial affairs. It is particularly useful when dealing with medical practices, hospitals, Aged Care facilities and NDIS agencies.
It is common for people to engage both a Power of Attorney and an Enduring Guardianship.
Brady and Associates can explain the legal process to you and draft a document that best reflects your wishes.
For legal assistance with any aspect of estate planning, Power of Attorney of Enduring Guardianship documents, contact us today.